SuccessWare 21®

Version 1.7.3.x

Concept Guides and
Additional Documentation

What’s New 1.7.3

Fixes 1.7.3

What’s New / Fixes 1.7.2

Latest Build: 1.7.300.79; 5/22/2008

What’s New in 1.7.300.39

·      Credit Card Number Masking— Changed the masking style to NNNN....NNNN (was xxxxxxxxxxxxNNNN) for better uniqueness of masked numbers and also to facilitate sorting.

What’s New in 1.7.300.26

·      Company Setup - A new option has been added to company setup which will allow you to select a default value for the print dialog - Print Later, Print Now, Don't Print - that displays when posting A/R Invoices.  When posting an invoice (non-counter sale invoices), the value pre-selected in company setup will be automatically selected.  The default value for counter sale invoices is still Print Now.

What’s New in 1.7.300.16

·      Vendor Invoice Credits and Vendor Refunds—The Accounts Payable system has been modified to allow for the entry of vendor credit line items / credit memos through the Vendor Invoice form.  To find out more about this feature click here.

·      Vendor Invoice Discount Calculations—The available discount can now be set up to calculate based upon before tax or after tax amounts, and based upon discountable line items only.  Whether or not to calculate the discount before or after tax is determined by Payment Terms assigned to the vendor for the invoice.

-    To set up your Payment Terms, go to the "21" Main Menu | Setup | Reference Library | Payables | Payment Terms.  Select "Modify Mode".  If discounts should be calculated after tax is added, place an "X" in the DiscountAfterTax column.  If discounts should be calculated before tax is added, remove the "X".

Note: Make sure to assign to proper terms codes to your vendors depending upon whether the vendor calculates your available discount before or after tax.

-    In the vendor invoice, identify discountable items by marking the "Dsc" column on the vendor invoice with an "X".  Remove the "X" to remove the line item from the discount calculation.

·      User Password Security—Several features have been added to enhance the security of user passwords.

-    Password Strength—New password strength settings have been added to the General Setup Form (21 Main Menu | Setup | General)

-          New option for the ability to require both upper and lower case letters in passwords

-          New password expiration option allows for the ability to require that users change their password on regular intervals.

-    Password Visibility—Passwords are now encrypted in the database with 512-bit encryption and users can no longer view password in the User Form. 

-    Password Reset—the administrator no longer manually sets user passwords, but instead a password reset option has been provided.  This feature can be accessed in the User Form.  Resetting passwords will generate a random password conforming to current password strength settings.  The user will be required to use this random password to login and change his or her password to something else that only the user will know.

-    Change Password—Users now have control over their own passwords.  Each user can change his or her password whenever it may become necessary.  This can be accessed right from the SuccessWare21 logon screen.

-    "Admin" Password—SuccessWare21 is shipped with a pre-loaded Admin username.  If it is determined that the Admin password has never been changed, for instance when logging into a new SuccessWare21 installation for the first time, a password change will be required.

·      Credit Card Security—Several changes have been made to enhance the security of credit card numbers.

-    Encryption—Credit card numbers are now encrypted in the database using 256-bit encryption.

-    Masking—Credit card numbers are now masked on the screen to prevent unauthorized users from seeing this sensitive data.  When masked, only the first and last four digits of the number are displayed.  If a user needs to confirm with a customer that the appropriate credit card is being used, the masked number is sufficient for this purpose.

-    Unmask option—In selected areas of the software, where the number may be needed for billing purposes, there is the option (right-click popup menu) to unmask and display the entire credit card number.

-          In order to unmask, the user must have the appropriate user ability.  An administrator can grant this ability through the User Group editor.  To modify the ability setting, open the 21 Main Menu, select Setup | User Manager.  Open a user who is a member of the group you wish to modify.  Select Groups, select the Receivables tab, select Edit,  check the box marked ‘View Credit Card Numbers’, and select Save.

-          Unmasking is only allowed in forms where the credit card number(s) could be needed for billing purposes.  Forms or reports that allow unmasking are:

-          Agreement Manager - Periodic Invoices

-          A/R Invoice - Apply Pmts screen

-          Account Register - Register Item Review (when reviewing a specific cash receipt)

-          Billing Account Details

-          An event log entry is made whenever credit card data is unmasked.

-    Validation—When the user enters a credit card number into SuccessWare21, it will now be checked to determine whether that number is valid credit card number or not.  A valid credit card number must begin with valid starting digits ('30', '34', '37', '4', '5', or '6') and must be 14, 15, or 16 digits in length, depending on what kind of credit card you are entering.  In addition, a check sum calculation is performed to verify that 14 to 16 digits entered make up a valid credit card number.  You may still enter partial numbers or other information into the credit card number field, but whenever a non-credit card number is entered you will receive a warning message so that the number can be corrected in case the intent was to enter a full credit card number for later billing.

-    Payment Authorization—A new field has been added to record the payment authorization reference number for the payment.  This field is available when entering Cash Receipts, A/R Invoice - Apply Pmts, and Job Summary information.

-    Security Code (CVV2 or CVC2)—Note that no field has been created for the credit card security code found on the back of most cards.  Credit card industry standards do not currently allow for permanent storage of the security code.

For more information regarding credit card security, see

·      Purging Payroll Import/Export Files– QBLink for QuickBooks has been modified to handle the encrypted SSN and a ‘Purge’ feature has been added.  Each time you import a period into QuickBooks, QBLink will ask you if you want to purge old import/export files.  Data and file over one month old will be deleted from your payroll import/export folder.

·      Employee Social Security Number (SSN) Security—Several changes have been made to enhance the security of employee social security numbers.

-    Encryption—Social security numbers are now encrypted with 256-bit encryption in the database.

-    Masking—Social Security numbers are now masked on the screen to prevent unauthorized users from seeing this sensitive data.

-    View option—In selected areas of the software, there is the option (right-click popup menu) to unmask and display the social security number.

-          In order to unmask, the user must have the appropriate user ability.  An administrator can grant this ability through the User Group editor.  To modify the ability setting, open the 21 Main Menu, select Setup | User Manager.  Open a user who is a member of the group you wish to modify.  Select Groups, select the Payroll tab, select Edit,  check the box marked ‘View Social Security Numbers’, and select Save.

-          Forms or reports that allow optional SSN viewing (with ability) are:

-          Employee Setup

-          Employee List Report

-          Payroll Text Export

-          An event log entry is made whenever social security number is unmasked.

-    Validation—When the user enters a social security number into SuccessWare21, that number will now be validated to ensure it is a proper SSN so that it can be properly formatted later on for display.  A valid SSN must have 9 digits.

-    Payroll Data—If you export data for QuickBooks, be sure to utilize the new purge feature of QBLink to remove any old files from the Payroll Import/Export Folder.

Fixes made in 1.7.3.x




RELEASE 1.7.300.79 5/22/08

RELEASE 1.7.300.78 5/20/08


Main Menu

Since 1.7.300.77, the buttons on the main menu form (after selecting the "21 main menu button") were not functioning.  Buttons on the main tool bar were working OK, however.

RELEASE 1.7.300.77 5/15/08



When using the PageSize/PageNo option on PricebookItemQuery and SWAPI is set up for SQL Server authentication, the command would fail with "Login failed for user 'xxxxxx' (cdm11)".


Payroll Period Summary Report:

The Period header only prints on the first page, instead of duplicating data on every page which also was splitting up employee information when an employee continued on the next page.


Equipment Comparison and List Reports:

Added Filter Count and Filter Size.  Only shows when the equipment being listed has these fields filled in.


Calls Report and Jobs Taken/Booked Report:

Added Location ID to the report output.  Also saves in the print-to-file output.


Agreement Billings Due, Due For Renewal, and Pending Renewals Reports

Added counts to the group and final totals.


Management Comparison Report

When showing a line item option breakdown, the values for the detail breakdown under the Period 2 column for Gross Sales in the Sales Lead Section were always showing zero.


Call Center

Users can now add location subdivision to call captions.  Click on the Preferences button to bring up a menu.  Under Captions, select Subdivision to add or remove it from the caption.

RELEASE 1.7.300.76 5/6/08


Invoice Manager

When flagging pre-GL Invoices as Posted, the date prior to activation was being used for the invoice dates.  This has been modified to use the Job End date if job progress had been processed giving a more accurate historical picture.

RELEASE 1.7.300.75 4/24/08


Payroll, Export to QuickBooks

The extended export to QB was omitting some of the pay items that are not included in the period being exported.

If there was an active employee that had never been put into a payroll period, an extended export to QB would fail with "the datatypes varchar and text are incompatible in the equal to operator".



On some occasions, a command might have failed with "XML Parse Error: The system cannot locate the resource specified."  This may have occurred in the EquipmentTypeQuery and EmployeeQuery commands.


Call Center

In the Daily Call (horizontal) view, moving the vertical splitter too far to the left would result in 'Range check error'.


Project Quote

When adding items to a Quoted Estimate using Cost Plus, you would sometimes see an error message "Phase reference is required." even though a phase had been selected.


Call Center

Users with Dual Monitors may have noticed some odd positioning of the calendar in the Call Center (showing half off the screen).

RELEASE 1.7.300.74 4/16/08



Added improved validation for the age of equipment modified by Third-Party applications.

RELEASE 1.7.300.73 4/10/08


A/R Invoice

Printing of an A/R Invoice would fail with 'Invalid Data: Not a signature', if the invoice information was copied from a quote and the quote had been submitted with signature data from a remote third party application.



Recalculating prices on a task category was not indicating to third-party applications that the tasks had been updated. This has been corrected.

RELEASE 1.7.300.72 4/4/08


Account Register

Since 1.7.300.64, posting an adjustment from account register reconciliation while filtered for item types other than adjustments would fail with the error 'Adjustment posting canceled'.



Added <SW21Version> field to the Connect command result.

RELEASE 1.7.300.71 3/31/08



Added validation to prevent timecard punches to job-related timecard statuses (Dispatched, Onsite, etc.).  Doing so would result in timecard entries that could not be modified.  Job-related entries must be made via JobPunch.



Call Center

Made a change that improves the speed of refreshing data in the Call Manager grid.


SWAPI - Pricebook Task Items

Added PricebookTask.IsDiagItem field.

Updated task form to update task item as changed when price levels are modified manually.  Previously, manual modification would not cause an update message to be sent out through swapi to remote applications.  Now, manual update to price levels will cause the update to occur.


SWAPI - AR Invoice updates

When deleting an agreement line item from an invoice and the agreement has had additional information entered in SuccessWare21 after submission from the field, SWAPI does not delete the agreement when the line item is removed from the invoice.  However, it was deleting the agreement memo and agreement equipment list.  It was also failing to clear the InvoiceID from the detached agreement.  These issues have been corrected.

SWAPI would fail with the error 'Row cannot be located for updating', when deleting an agreement line item from an invoice where the agreement had not been modified in SuccessWare21 and it was attempting to delete the attached agreement.

RELEASE 1.7.300.70 3/25/08

RELEASE 1.7.300.69 3/24/08


DB Maint

(SQL Server only) Increase the timeout period for database shrink.  The process was timing out on very large databases.

RELEASE 1.7.300.68 3/17/08


Agreement Manager

In order to prevent inadvertently opening large ranges of periodic invoices and billings due, the date range parameters for these views have been disconnected from the date range parameters of the other views so that date ranges entered in the other views are not carried over as default values for periodic invoices and billings due.  Besides, there was no real benefit from carrying over the values since ranges desired for billings/invoices are not likely to be the same as ranges entered previously in other views.


Scorecard Reports

Timecard NTC's were not showing up under the departments to which they were assigned.  They were showing up under a "blank" department.


Pricebook Import

(ASP only) After importing a pricebook, the utility writes a text file report to the root data folder.  On the ASP this was failing because it was attempting to write the file to a folder that is only for read-only access.


Agent Manager

Since 1.7.300.67, the Agent Manager would not launch from Utilities.  It would pop up briefly, then close.


Agreement - Edit Payment Method

Changes to the payment method are supposed to clear the payment reference fields.  This was not occurring if payment method was cleared.  This was allowing payment reference information to be saved even though payment method had been cleared.

If payment method was enpty, an unnecessary 'Please select a payment method' message would pop up before the form displayed.

The system was not always properly detecting that changes were made in the form and would neglect to save those changes even though Save was selected.


Job Form

When listing the Vendor Invoices (or Receipts) related to a specific jobs, invoices that had been canceled were still being listed as open and active.  This has been corrected.


Job Scorecard / Tech Hints

Hours Worked would omit time (productive time) that the employee worked on a job when the job was not yet completed (i.e. if it was continued).  This would cause time to be completely ignored when running daily reports and there are multi-day jobs.

RELEASE 1.7.300.67 3/4/08


Vendor History

Since 1.7.300.66, when negating a PMT from the Vendor History form, the reversal of the payment in the account register would complete, but changes in accounts payable were no longer automatically applied to the database, and the Post and Undo buttons would enable.  If Undo was selected or if vendor history was closed, and 'Cancel updates' was selected, the accounts payable changes would be discarded causing accounts payable out of balance with general ledger.


Payroll Wage Source Report

If there were wage entries for both zero hours and zero earned amount, it was possible for some departmental/pay item grouping headers to be omitted from the report.


Payroll Misc Wage Manager

Added a default order (order entered) so that items inserted would consistently stay at the bottom (unless the grid is column sorted).

After deleting a record, focus would jump ahead one extra record, instead of staying focused on the record immediately after the one deleted.

Since 1.7.300.66, After inserting a record, focus was returning to the very first row in the grid instead of staying focused on the row just inserted.

Removed SSN from the screen, which had been displaying the underlying database encrypted value.


Payroll Wage Summary Listing

Added a Summary Only option to the report in order to hide the detail and show only group and final totals.


Payroll Period Summary Report

Under certain circumstances when previewing the report (jumping to the last page, going to previous page), the first employee on the page may have shown the wrong employee name (but correct employee code).


Database Maintenance

After backing up large databases, getting backup details for display would fail with "invalid value for field 'backupsize'".  


Account Register - Reconciliation Report

Very long company names were overlapping the account number.


Agreement Reserve Analysis Report

Added an option to exclude agreements with a zero reserve balance as of the transaction through date (only availble when the transaction from date is empty).

The Exclude Terminated option was excluding agreements that had transactions after the transaction through date and therefore had a reserve balance as of that date.

The report was unnecessarily showing transactions where all amounts were zero.


Agreement Deferral Analysis Report

Added an option to exclude agreements with a zero deferred revenue balance as of the transaction through date (only availble when the transaction from date is empty).

Added an option to exclude agreements with a zero maintenance billed/used balance as of the transaction through date (only available when the transaction from date is empty).

The Exclude Terminated option was excluding agreements that had transactions after the transaction through date and therefore had a deferred revenue balance as of that date.

The report was unnecessarily showing transactions where all amounts were zero.



Timestamps for updates made by third party applications through SWAPI (e.g. Job Taken Date/Time) were sometimes not using the correct time zone set up in Company Setup.


Job Tag Manager

On rare occasions, a warehouse name might have been incorrectly pre-filled for one or more items on the invoice.

RELEASE 1.7.300.66 2/22/08


Vendors For Item - Purchase History, A/P Item Distribution Report

Line items where nothing was actually received (qty=zero) were just adding clutter and have been removed.


Account Register - Payment

If vendor payment was selected, but no vendor was selected from the list, and it was then changed to misc payment, when posting the payment, you would get 'a database transaction failed to complete...'.  (Behind that window would have been an 'invalid lock ID message for a vendor ID'.)  After responding to the db transaction message SW21 would shut down.  The lock validation error causing this problem will no longer occur.


Inventory Transactions Report

Added an option to allow printing of transactions for valued items only for G/L balancing purposes.

Added a column for the GL Value posted - i.e. transactions for valued parts.

RELEASE 1.7.300.65 2/11/08


Task Form

When deleting detail from the task, standard cost totals are recalculated based upon the detail.  However, when the last detail for a particular item type (P, L, M) was deleted, the totals were not being recalculated, leaving a residual value in the totals.  Now deletion of the last item will reduce the total to zero as would normally be expected.


Account Register

Post failures during the reconciliation processes could on occasion leave the reconciliation form in a disabled state with partial updates still pending.  Errors are now caught and the unapplied updates are rolled back and canceled.


QuickStart - Vendor Opening Balances

After resetting G/L activation dates, the Current Payables Opening Balance could have shown an incorrect amount if discounts had been taken on credits prior to the new reset activation date.

RELEASE 1.7.300.64 2/1/08


Account Register

Corrected an inefficiency introduced in 1.7.300.63.

RELEASE 1.7.300.63 1/30/08


Account Register

1.7.300.55 had a fix to prevent any items from saving (posting) when the item is uncleared and a deposit item id or statement id is assigned.  There were still certain situations where these and other fields could occasionally be modified incorrectly.  Further changes were made to prevent this from happening.


G/L Budget

Using TAB or Down Arrow from the last displayed line on the budget would create a new budget line with no acccount, department, or period.  If saved this way, further attempts to save one of these "empty" rows would have resulted in save failures.


G/L Transactions Report

Added Posted By column to the report.

RELEASE 1.7.300.62 1/25/08


Job Summary Analysis Report

Added filters for limiting the report to specifically flagged jobs - Agreement Opportunities Only, Replacement Opportunities Only, Warranty Calls Only, etc.



When an Invoice is updated via a third-party application, the description for a line item was not being updated properly.  This has been corrected.



A threading issue was corrected that could cause SWAPI on some systems to fail on occasion with an access violation error and lock up and fail to respond.


Sales Tax Report

Sales figures in the subtotals and report totals when over a million dollars would overlap each other.


Purchasing Wizard

Added an option for printing a report from the Item List detail grid.


Payroll Miscellaneous Wage Manager

When in the Pending view and inserting a new wage into an empty grid, if a release date was entered the post would fail with "At end of table" error.


A/R Invoice Manager

The "Flag pre-GL invoices as posted" option was not updating the related jobs as "invoiced" which would inhibit finalizing the jobs until after the job was edited/saved.  Jobs are now updated as "invoiced" eliminating the need for the extra edit/save of the job.


A/R Invoice, Cash Receipts

On rare occasions, a payment on an A/R invoice would get posted to the account register without a payment method / payment type preventing reconciliation.  The only recourse was to adjust the invoice, fix the payment method, and re-post.  The system will now catch these and prevent the invoice/payment from posting in the first place.

RELEASE 1.7.300.61 1/17/08


Job Tag Manager

Corrected a rounding problem in the calculation of the quantity to requisition or return.  Sometimes the calculation would result in a tiny, near zero fraction that would be represented in scientific notation something like n.nnnnnnE-15.


Call Progress

Modifying times in call progress would cause a disconnect between the updated timecard entries and labor that had been imported onto A/R Invoices.  If the 'reset labor' option was used on the invoice, it would remove the labor detail from the invoice without making the timecard entries available for import again.



Third-Party Applications that update Job Summary information can now also update Work Done notes.


G/L Budget

Fixed a locking problem which would occur when using the same username in different sessions.  If the budget was open in one session, then opened in the second, the second attempt would appropriately fail with a lock error, but would then go ahead and clear the first session's lock.

Added lock validation whenever saving, and at other significant points - loading a budget, refreshing, changing filters, etc.


Technician Productivity Report

Under Job Hours, the LRev Gen column on the report was getting truncated when the amount was greater than $100,000.00.

RELEASE 1.7.300.60 1/8/08


Work Order Report

When printing the Summary version of work orders, it is now possible to print to a Text file.



On occasion a physical count could not be posted.  Due to a rounding problem, it would stop with the message "Adjustment does not match System/Physical quantities, please respecify".

RELEASE 1.7.300.59 1/4/08


Timecard / Modify Mode

Several fixes related to editing timecard entries.

-When editing a non-regOT entry in the timecard, the entry was getting changed back to regOT.

-After editing a timecard entry, focus return to the first timecard for the day instead of remaining on the modified entry.

-When editing a timecard entry, the regOT indicator and the check mark for regOT on the pop-up menu were not always correctly displayed.

-When editing a Timecard Entry, and changing RegOT, the changes were not always being saved properly.


Invoice Manager

When flagging or voiding Pre-GL invoices, Sales Quotes were being updated inappropriately.


Service Location Report

Date and JobNo in the Call Detail were sometimes being cut off.



Renewal agreements created via SWAPI by remote applications would not show up in the Renewals view in the Agreement Manager until they were modified and updated in SW21.  Now they are appropriately flagged so they will show up as soon as they are created.




Since the initial 1.7.300 release, payroll import into QuickBooks (Canadian version only) was failing with 3180 error when attempting to add or update employees.  The employee SIN (SSN) was not being decrypted before attempting to update QB.


Profit Matrix Form

In the Profit Matrix form, it was possible to make an entry that would cause an uncorrectable situation where an error message would occur and the form would allow no further data entry.


GL Transaction Report

Trying to select a subaccount before selecting a primary Account would cause an application error message box to appear.  This error message has been replaced with a more informative dialog box.

RELEASE 1.7.300.58 12/14/07


Vehicle Manager

Since 1.7.300.55, in the Vehicle Manager / Maintenance view, selecting Schedule Next Service was resulting in "Field NextSchDate not found".

RELEASE 1.7.300.57 12/13/07


Pricebook Import

Since, 1.7.300.56, importing of some books might fail with 'Field SaleType cannot be modified'.

RELEASE 1.7.300.56 12/11/07



Renewal agreements created from the field (SWRemote Mobile Tech) via SWAPI were showing in SuccessWare21 unrelated to the original agreement.  The new agreement is now properly being identified as a renewal, and original agreement information is being brought forward from the original agreement.


Printed Workorder

Some fields (Agreement Type) were too narrow and truncating data.



PricebookItemQuery now supports data paging.  The command support the xml attributes PageSize and PageNo.  Specify the number of rows to be returned for the PageSize and the PageNo desired.  PageCount will be returned indicating the total number of pages of data based upon the pagesize.



Negative deferred misc wage entries were not getting rounded properly into the wage summary and would sometimes cause period posting to fail with the error "debits not equal credits".



When using "/" (forward slash) to enter current time on timecard entries, duration of entries were not being rounded to the nearest minute even thought timein and timeout were.  This caused reports durations on entries not to match the timein/out, sometimes being off by one minute.

RELEASE 1.7.300.55 11/21/07


Job Summary Analysis Report

Added an option to include/exclude project job phase summaries.


Job Scorecard Report

Created a separate job scorecard report for including project job information.  The standard job scorecard report now excludes project job phase information.


Payables Manager:

Deletion of Recurring Invoices sometimes resulted in Record/Key Deleted errors in the Payables Manager.


Project, Invoice, AIA Stored Amounts

Editing stored amounts was resulting in duplicate stored amount entries for phases.  This has been corrected.


Projects, A/R Invoice, AIA Certificate

(SQL Server only) When accessing the stored amounts for the AIA summary, stored amounts could not be edited.

Editing and saving the same row more than once when making new stored amount entries would result in duplicate rows which then made the form inaccessible.


Account Register

Made a permanent fix to prevent any items from saving (posting) when the item is uncleared and a deposit item id or statement id is assigned.  This situation should never be allowed to occur.


Email Paging

Subjects on Email Pages were sometimes being omitted in the case where splitting of the email message was not necessary.  This could have caused email delivery failures with some carriers.

RELEASE 1.7.300.54 11/12/07


Inventory Manager / Inventory Transactions Report

Deleting a warehouse with a Transaction History would cause Transactions to become orphaned.  We now prevent warehouses with a transaction history from being deleted.  These warehouses should be deactivated instead.

Orphaned transactions, or transactions that are linked to a warehouse that has been deleted, were being omitted from the Inventory Transactions Report. They will now show with <unknown> as their warehouse.



Account Register

An earlier change was made to prevent clearing of cash box items that can on occasion get a bogus deposit ID assignment (clearing and reconciling would cause the item to be omitted from that actual deposit).  The 'Clear All' option was overlooked when making this change and would clear these items anyway.  That oversight has now been corrected.


Callback Report:

The Parts, Labor, and Misc sale totals for the callback invoice was being reported incorrectly when the Quantity for an item was greater than 1.  Unit price was being report rather than extended price.


Register Account Reconciliation

Accidental entry of an extra decimal digit at the end of the Statement Ending Balance would result in a red $0.00 difference and a disabled Finish button.


Call Taking

The customer balance will now only be highlighted in red if there is a past due balance, or if the customer has a credit limit set and the open balance is greater than the credit limit.  An open balance will light up in green if the balance is less than the credit limit and the balance is current.  This is consistent with the customer form and is also the way this was originally intended to work.


Inventory Tags

On occasion, rounding problems were causing tags to remain that were essentially, but not quite, zero (they would show quantity something like 1.2384798237E-15.  The E-15 represents an extremely tiny fraction).  This "zero" values are now automatically removed.

RELEASE 1.7.300.53 10/30/07


Project / Phases, Work In Progress Report

In the Project form, the Phase tab's Project Cost Summary totals were not including credit vendor invoice items.  The Work In Progress Report was also omitting these entries.

RELEASE 1.7.300.52 10/22/07



Under some circumstances, when editing payment information for an agreement, changing the payment method could have caused the masked value of the credit card number to be saved back to the database, losing the full number.


Inventory, Restock Transfers

When creating restock transfers, it was possible that inactive items may be included unnecessarily.


User Group Abilities

Removed the following unused, duplicated user ability settings - Flatrate Setup (under Customer Service), AR Invoice GL Modify (under Customer Service), and Financial Reports (under Accounting).


User Form

When resetting a password, if special cahracters are required and the special character generated was an ampersand, it displaying an underscore character instead of the ampersand, and the displayed password could not be used to log on.


Job Summary Analysis Report

Fixed the report to show jobs that had been closed with incomplete call progress entries that could not be modified because payroll had been posted and could not be unposted/unverified.


Inventory Returns, Inventory Transfers

If the return or transfer quantity was set to zero for a serialized item, you would still be required to enter a serial number in order to post.  Modified to allow the serial number to be left blank when the transaction quantity is zero.

RELEASE 1.7.300.51 10/9/07



Fixed a cause of possible access violation error at or near address 0076D9B9.  One place this was observed was when entering an item number in the Parts view of the Inventory Manager.


Invoice Tracking

Changed the menu option for "Cancel" to read "Cancel Deployment".



When preparing payroll, the report (Invalid Pay Items on Timecard Entries) that is generated if timecard entries have invalid pay items was incorrectly formatting the time in and time out (it was showing the date "12/30/1899").  Also removed a column that was showing an internal ID that is of no use in the report.


Area Code Change Utility

Modified the utility (21 Menu | Setup | Administrative Tools | Change Area Codes) to allow Old Area Code to be left blank.  This allows an area code (New Area Code) to be inserted everywhere that an area code is currently omitted.

RELEASE 1.7.300.50 9/26/07



Reselecting the same payment method in the Edit Payment Method screen to correct an invalid payment type association on the agreement was not working.  If the same payment method was selected it was not refreshing the payment type.


Pay Bills

The process was not allowing discounts on credit entries to be "taken".  The Take Discount action had no effect, nor could the negative discount amount to take be typed in.


Work In Progress Report

In the exported Report Emulation Text file, some of the job numbers would be partially hidden.


Printed A/R Invoice

Work Authorization signatures were sometimes printing on top of the "discount, you saved" message.


A/R Invoice - Apply Pmts, Job Form, Call Taking, Project - Billing Tab

Modified the popup menu for the payment method lookup to show the option for standard payment methods first, the billing accounts default payment method on file, then the last 10 payments used on prior inovices.  Previously, the payment history was before the standard payment methods option.  Since standard payment methods is probably used most frequently, it has been moved to the top.

Modified the popup menu for consistency between the different screens.

If a cash or check entry from history is selected, the payment reference information is not copied onto the document (you would not use the same check # to pay another invoice).


Email Paging

The values being included for Last Service Date and Last Tech were either missing or inaccurate.


Service Location List

Added an option to exclude locations whose default billing accounts are marked "Do Not Solicit".

RELEASE 1.7.300.49 9/17/07


SWAPI - JobPunch, TCPunch

Note type entries could interfere with timecard punching. For instance, DayInOut entries were sometimes causing issues.


Agreement Anniversary Report

Added an option to run the report based upon either agreement start date or sale date.  Previously it only ran on start date.


Account Register - Check Remittance Report

Added date/time the report was printed.

Added page #.


Vendor Hisotory / Allocations

The "Update payable balance" option on the "Allocations from..." screen was incorrectly calculating the balance for an invoice (or credit) item that had had a discount taken.



Project Number was allowing up to 15 characters, but this caused problems with Job Number when creating jobs for the project.  Job Number is limited to 10 characters so it was not possible to append the phase type and get a resulting Job Number.  Project Number is now limited to 7 characters so that a period and the two characters can be added to generated a valid 10 character Job Number.


Account Register

On rare occasions, an unreconciled cash box item gets assigned a bogus deposit association, which causes an incorrect deposit amount to be posted if it is cleared and deposited.  The cause of the problem has not yet been determined, but the item will now be prevented from being cleared until the situation is cleared up by SuccessWare support.



The parts / labor / misc sale breakdown was not being correctly set on invoice line items when price levels were in use for tasks.  This was causing incorrect discount calculations.


Account Register

Added the address for check/debit payment transactions to the Register Item Review form.


Purchase Order

Added Created By (Issued By) field to the purchase order screen.  The field is for display only.


Jobs Taken/Booked Report

Added department to the sort/group options.


Vendor Refund

On some systems, there was a possibility that vendor refund posting might have failed with 'duplicate check number' error message.


Vendor 1099 Report, A/P Transactions Report, A/R Transactions Report

Added a summary option that will print group and final totals only if selected.

Implemented the print to "Text" file option.  When printing summary, group totals are exported.  When not summary transaction detail is exported.



When adding a new call to an existing job on the job form, the zone was not copying to the new call if multiple partial matches existed for the zone - for example, if the job was for zone C and you also had a zone CW.


Project Estimate Report

Modified the Quoted Tax amount to only include amounts from locked quotes for consistency with other values on this and other project reports.


Project Estimates

Modified the quote detail on the Estimate tab of the project to show total sale excluding tax to be consistent with other forms and reports.  The quote detail will also show the tax amount and total for each quote.


Customer Opportunities Report

Added various sorting/grouping options to the report, including name, zip, zone, etc.


SWAPI - messaging

Messages were not being set notifying third party applications when agreement templates were modified in the agreement form.

RELEASE 1.7.300.48 8/30/07


Receipt/Vendor Invoice

When using splits on a PO, and there were multiple receipts or vendor invoices for a PO, the second (or third, etc.) vendor invoice for the PO might have failed with "debits and credits don't balance".  This was being caused by an undetected out of balance split when a zero quantity was received for a particular line item, which caused incorrect updates to the PO, which then caused out of balance splits on subsequent receipts for the item.  Solving the situation previously required editing of splits on the receipt (or vendor invoice) in order to make them balance with the line items.  Now, zero item quantity receipts will stay in balance and properly update the total received quantities on the PO splits.


Event Log

On occasion, recovery of a previously failed event log entry might fail and repeatedly log an additional "Error opening local event log" error.

RELEASE 1.7.300.47 8/28/07



Setting up password options in QuickStart would fail with "cannot insert the value NULL...".

RELEASE 1.7.300.46 8/24/07


Project Management:

Under rare circumstances, when trying to add a new invoice to a project, an error would occur - "Field PaymentType not found".



(LAN only) Messages were not being sent to remote field service applications when SWAPI was configured to respond to SSL requests only.

(LAN only) Message forwarding requests were being directed to a previous SWAPI version.  If that SWAPI version was not installed message forwarding requests would fail.


DB Maint

On some systems the database repair/rebuild portion of maintenance would fail because of a timing issue between a series of commands.

RELEASE 1.7.300.45 8/20/07


Calls Report

Several fields in the report were missing when exported to "Text".


Account Register - Register Item Review

Added the ability to unmask a credit card number (subject to user abilities) in the popup Register Item Review form.

RELEASE 1.7.300.44 8/15/07


Agreement Manager

Since 1.7.300.42, after posting all invoices in the PER INV'S view, the grid would clear instead of showing the just posted invoices.  This has been corrected.

RELEASE 1.7.300.43 8/15/07



On some systems, purging old payroll period information would fail with the error 'Cannot delete master record with details'.


Account Register

A failure in payment posting for a miscellaneous payment (such as G/L period closed, etc.) would result in 'Access violation at or near address 004D8E6C' and program lock up.


Agreement Manager

After unmasking credit card numbers in the PER INV'S view, and changing query filters and requerying, the Unmask menu option would no longer be checked but numbers would still be showing unmasked.

Since 1.7.300.42, the customer form and related forms could not be opened from the Agreement Manager.

RELEASE 1.7.300.42 8/13/07


Agreement Manager

Since the introduction of credit card encryption, sorting on the Account Number (CC#, Bank#, etc.) column for Periodic Invoices was no longer available.  Sorting is now available again.  Note the this grid (PER INV'S) can only be sorted in ascending order.

RELEASE 1.7.300.41 8/10/07


Vendor Invoice

Since 1.7.300.39, a prompt regarding due date intended only when posting credit invoices was popping up for all vendor invoices and credits.


Account Register Transfer

Entering a negative transfer amount was causing the resulting G/L entries to post backwards, debiting and crediting the cash accounts incorrectly.  A positive transaction amount is now required.

RELEASE 1.7.300.40 8/9/07


A/P Transactions Report

(SQL Server/Express/MSDE) The report was hanging indefinitely when using the date range parameters.

RELEASE 1.7.300.39 8/8/07


Credit Card Number Masking

Changed the masking style from xxxxxxxxxxxxNNNN to NNNN....NNNN for better uniqueness of masked numbers and also to facilitate sorting.


Account Register

Since encrypting credit card numbers, sorting had not been working properly on the CK# / CC# column in cash box accounts.  Fixed this for both the Transaction Review screen and for the Reconciliation screen.


Agreement List Report

Added an option to filter for New / Renewal / All agreements.

Added a column on the report to show whether an agreement is a renewal or not.


A/P Aging Report, Open Payables Report

The on hold comment now prints when a payable is on hold.


Vendor Invoice

Added JobNo column to the PO dropdown when looking for a PO to assigned to the vendor invoice.


Timecard Report

Added a column to show a check mark for "not paid" entries.


Vendor Invoice

Added a message dialog if the due date is greater than the invoice date when posting a credit invoice.  The message dialog allows for canceling the posting process and focuses the due date for correction.


Open Payables Report

Recent changes for handling credits and refunds had slowed the report down considerably.  The speed has been significantly improved upon.



Modified the message that is displayed when an invalid credit card number is detected during data entry to try to improve clarity.

RELEASE 1.7.300.38 8/3/07



Since 1.7.300.36 attempting to sort by certain columns  in certain grids might result in 'Access Violation at address 005549A2'.

RELEASE 1.7.300.36 8/2/07


Job Summary

When payment was by credit card, the credit card name and expiration month/year fields were highlighted in the wrong color, and were constantly being refreshed causing a slight blinking in the controls.


A/R Invoice Apply Pmts, Billing Customer

Disabled the Unmask CC# menu option when there is no payment reference entered.  It is unnecessary.

Modified the message displayed when attempting to unmask a payment reference that is not masked for clarity.


G/L Setup

On occasion a G/L account could not be deactivated.  It would report that it was assigned as a default account, but the account could not be found in the Defaults Accounts tab.



When preparing payroll, subcontracted employees (which are not included in the payroll period) would generate two unnecessary warning messages.  One that the employees (subcontractors) were not included in the payroll period, and another if there were timecard entries without pay rates.  Subcontracted employees are now excluded when looking for these situations.


Phone Call Report, Technician Productivity Report

There were buttons on these report interface forms with a question mark icon used to get additional information about the reports.  These buttons were not functioning and are obsolete anyway since on-line help (F1) includes specific information for these reports.  Removed the buttons.


Account Register

Sorting is now disabled on the Check No / CC# column.  This data is now encrypted in the database and no longer can be sorted by the decrypted displayed text.



Submission of Payments that contained empty credit card no were failing with Access Violation.  This has been corrected.


Version Update

Added a message advising that updates may take a while and the process should not be terminated.

The form now processes windows messages in between individual database changes making the form more responsive to window events - mouse clicks, screen refreshes, etc.


Vendor Invoice

When typing a job number into the Job No field and tabbing, the software would get into an endless loop continuously prompting to verify the job, whether to change all items, and whether to accept all the changes.

When all items and splits were updated because of a job number change to the invoice, sometimes all splits were not getting updated.

RELEASE 1.7.300.31 7/24/07


SWAPI - MapPoint Directions

The fix in 1.7.300.28 for directions to or from locations in Canada was not working for the Yukon Territory.


A/P Aging Report, Open Payables Report

Recent changes for handling credits and refunds had slowed the reports down considerably.  The speed has been significantly improved upon.



Credit card numbers submitted via ARPaymentUpdate were not being encrypted into the SW21 database.


Payroll - Text Export

Added the Employee No field to the payroll text export.  Some payroll services require an employee number rather than SSN.


Sales Quotes

Since version 1.7.300.28, the signature lines on printed sales quotes were printing on top of the box for payment method information.


A/R Invoice

When editing or inserting a line item on a cost plus invoice and selecting Undo, if 'No' was selected for the prompt to 'Cancel all item and detail changes?', the item edits were being canceled anyway.



Modified to notify external applications (via SWAPI) when changes to item categories and groups occur.

RELEASE 1.7.300.30 7/17/07


Agreement Deferral Analysis and Reserve Analysis Reports

When using the "Exclude terminated agreements..." option, these reports were incorrectly excluding agreements terminated prior to the transaction end date that had other transactions after the transaction end date.  These agreements now show up since they have a deferred balance as of the transaction end date.

RELEASE 1.7.300.29 7/13/07


Payroll - Quickbooks export

(ASP only) There was no automation involved in keeping the local copy of QBLink up to date.  After exporting payroll for import into Quickbooks via QBLink, the system now checks whether the local copy of QBLink is current, and if not, updates it.



Improved the error messages returned when requests for directions fail due to MapPoint not being installed or properly configured to work with SWAPI vs. when a failure is due to a bad location address or latitude/longitude.

Reclassify certain error conditions as recognized failures instead of unexpected failures.

BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.28 7/10/07



Requests for point to point directions between Canadian addresses were sometimes resulting in directions to/from U.S. addresses.


Printed A/R Invoice

Signatures captured on remote handheld device (SWRemote) now will show on invoices printed from SW21.


Vendor Invoice

On Windows 2000, or on Windows XP with "old style" windows, after opening the vendor invoice, scrolling the grid up and down would not work properly.  The rows would not scroll and the blue highlighting would split up and move up and down only in one or some columns.



On an invoice with a line item for a new agreement, updating the line item / agreement was not correcting the agreement in SuccessWare21.  This has been changed to apply the modifications, as long as the agreement has not been edited already in SuccessWare21.  If the agreement has already been filled out in SuccessWare21, the attempted change will be rejected.  In this case, if the remote application needs to "fix" the previously submitted agreement, the line item can be deleted from the invoice and a new line item/agreement can be submitted.


Data merge - locations, billing acounts, vendors

Added name and address information to the event log entries for merges and deletes.


Utilities - Reset G/L Active Date

Added posting of an event log entry when the Reset G/L Active Date utility is used to delete G/L transaction detail.

BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.27 6/29/07



Since 1.7.300.26, several commands, such as AssignmentListQuery and ARInvoiceQuery, were failing with an errors like 'Incorrect syntax for command [Text is not allowed in this context according to DTD/Schema…'.


Service Location List

Added map code and subdivision to the printed output.

Added filter, sort, and group by map code.


Work Order Summary Report

Added location zone, map code, and subdivision to the printed report.


Calls Report, Assignments Report, Printed Work Order

Added location subdivision to the printed reports.

BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.26 6/27/07



ARInvoiceUpdate was clearing the Add On flag on A/R Invoice line items sent in from the remote application/device.


Vendor Invoice

When inserting a new item on the last visible line of the item grid, when tabbing into the description field, a scroll bar would pop up on top of the line being entered.


On-line help

Help file update.


DB Maintenance

Fixed a bug in the Disk Space Monitor, which was sometimes reporting free disk space data for the wrong drive.


Employee Setup

Modified inaccurate message with attempting to close the form while in edit mode.  Changed 'must post or undo' to 'must save or undo'.


Vendor Invoice

On some systems attempting to create a new recurring template or a new invoice from a recurring template was failing.  There was no error message but the template or invoice was not being created.



On some systems attempting to create new inventory transactions - requisitions, returns, transfers, adjustments - would fail with 'Cannot insert NULL value into column "AutoPost"...'.


Sales Invoices Report, Sales Invoice Items Report

Added some additional location and billing account information - city, state, zip, customer first name, etc.

Added the ability to export to a TAB delimited text file.


A/R Invoice, Company Setup

A new option has been added to company setup which will allow you to select a default value for the print dialog - Print Later, Print Now, Don't Print - that displays when posting A/R Invoices.  When posting an invoice (non-counter sale), the value pre-selected in company setup will be automatically selected.  The default value for counter sale invoices is still Print Now.


Lock Manager

In several places in the software, when attempting to open a locked record, the message was not reporting which user had a lock in place.


Vendor Invoice

Made sure the proper field is focused (Invoice Date) after successfully entering/selecting a PO No for a new vendor invoice.

BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.25 6/20/07


Billing Account Details

The Open submenu on the form's right-click popup menu had a blank (missing) option.  Fixed this to open customer opportunities.


User Group Form

Modified the wording of the Post Adjustments/Allocate ability for receivables.


G/L Budget

When resizing the form the position of the Load Budget button was not adjusting appropriately.


Vendor Invoice

When focused outside the item grid and using the insert key to insert a new line item, an unnecessary, unintended 'Incomplete line item. Please finish editing...' message was being displayed.

BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.24 6/15/07


Job, A/R Invoice, Project Billing

When a location has multiple billing accounts, the information for one of the accounts would show for each of the menu item captions on the popup menus for selecting a billing account.


Vendor Invoice

When focused outside the item grid and using the insert key to insert a new line item, an unnecessary, unintended 'Incomplete line item. Please finish editing...' message was being displayed.

Added a field for the invoice total minus the available discount.  If there is an available discount calculated on a credit invoice, the available discount and the total minus the discount will be highlighted in yellow.



 (SQL Server) The version update process was failing to detect users connected to the SuccessWare21 database.  In order to prevent data problems, this has been fixed.  The version update process will not proceed until all users are out of SuccessWare21.


BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.23 6/13/07



If an attempt was made to logon with a username that had been disabled for SucessWare21 logon (a remote SWAPI user), SuccessWare21 would lock up.  The only recourse was to End Task.



Corrected an occasional problem where JobPunch could fail with the error 'Entry not found' (referring to the timecard entry).  The error would sometimes occur when the call had other technician assignments.


A/R Invoice - Apply Pmts

Added options on the right click popup menu, Update Agreement and Update from Agreement, to facilitate updates to payment information for agreement periodic billings.  If a card is determined to be bad or expired after the current periodic invoice is created, the new credit card information obtained from the customer can be entered in one place, either the agreement or the current invoice, and then copied to the other.

BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.22 6/11/07


Phone Call Report

The Job Type column was not showing any information.

Sort/group by Job Type would fail with the error 'Field "JobType" not found'.


Service Location List Report

Added filter, sort, and group by Tax Code.


Billing Account Details

Added a right-click menu option for unmasking a masked credit card number.  Occasionally it might be necessary to charge the credit card on file when an invoice is not necessary, for example, in payment for an open receivable balance.

BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.21 6/7/07



Since, AssignmentListQuery could fail with the error 'Incorrect syntax for command [Element content is invalid according to the DTD/Schema'.

BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.20 6/6/07



Since 1.7.300.17, some update commands would fail with the error 'Field not found'.


Work Orders Report

The Work Orders Report, Summary option, was showing the incorrect date in the report heading for Thru Date (it was showing the From Date instead).

BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.19 6/4/07


Online Help

Help file update.


Agreement Manager

Added the batch agreement termination option to the popup menu for the Renewals view if (the user has the appropriate user ability).


Invoice Tracking

If similar employee codes existed, such as JACK and JACKM, it was not possible to deploy invoices to JACK (the shorter of the two employee codes).  When you would click OK, the form would continually pop up the reference book for seelction between JACK and JACKM.


Employee List Report

Added an event log entry when the report is previewed or printed with social security numbers included.



(SQL Server only) Attempted logins with no username were not being detected as failed login attempts, so there was no 'invalid username' message, and it was not subject to the three attempt limit.  This has been corrected.


User Group Form

Since 1.7.300.16, the initial group automatically selected by the system did not necesarily match the group focused in the database causing possible edits to the wrong user group.  Once a group was selected by the user through the dropdown, everything was back in sync.

BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.18 5/31/07



Added a check for BeginSession to confirm that a User is a valid Employee when the remote call to BeginSession includes RemoteTC=True.


Open Receivables, A/R Aging, Open Payables, A/P Aging

Cosmetic changes to report layout and column title visibility.


Vendor Invoice

Modified the caption above the payment information to read 'Refund' instead of 'Payment' when processing Apply Pmt for a vendor invoice credit.


A/P Aging, Open Payables, A/P Invoice List

Added a column to the reports for the job number associated with the vendor invoice.


Counter Sales

The Job Tag manager would pop up unnecessarily when posting a counter sale invoice with no part detail (misc items or tasks with no part detail).


Job Tag Manager

Correction to prevent an occasional error 'Access violation at 008Exxxx'.


A/R Invoice

On a counter sale or agreement invoice, the "new invoice" menu could be brought up which had a "New Project Invoice" option that would not function.  The speed button that brings up the menu is now disabled since it cannot function for these types of invoices.


Job Form, Job Summary

If the callback job number was typed in manually instead of using the dropdown menu, the original job information would not show up in the Callbacks Report.


Billing Account History

When in the Statement View, F9 (Open Job) and F10 (Open Invoice) were not opening the correct job/invoice.

Added an Open option on the popup menu for the Statement View.


Call Taking

When creating a new carbon copy billing account in Call Taking, the email address and service contact information was not being copied from the location.



The right-click option on the "key" toolbar button to switch companies was not working even if password credentials were correct.

BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.17 5/24/07


Income Statement Reports

Sometimes when a totals line printed at the bottom of a page, the shading would print at the top of the following page instead of highlighting the totals.


Job, Job Summary, Call Taking

Since 1.7.300.16, when the location had more than 10 jobs in history, the menu for jobs to select for the callback job number was showing the oldest 10 jobs rather than the most recent 10.


Job Summary

When modifying the callback job number and then Undoing updates, the error 'qryJob: Dataset not in edit or insert mode' was sometimes occurring.



Since 1.7.300.16, after three failed login attempts due to an invalid password, the software would launch instead of terminate.



On occasion, a 'Field/value count mismatch for lookup' error could occur when updating a location (LocationInfoUpdate).

On occasion, a LocationQuery command might fail with the error 'Subquery returned more than 1 value...'.

BETA RELEASE 1.7.300.16 5/21/07


Initial beta testing release



Purchase Order, Vendor Invoice

Sometimes a counted/valued indicator was showing for non-part line items.


Merge/Delete Utilities

Events are now logged for merging/deleting of Billing Accounts, Locations, and Vendors.


What’s New 1.7.3

Fixes 1.7.3

What’s New / Fixes 1.7.2